
Connecting through Prayer

Prayer Team

Prayer is an integral part of the life of our church.  A prayer team meets regularly to pray together and determine the needs of the congregation. We also lift up prayers in the worship service and pray together for persons and situations. You may request a prayer at that time by using one of the green prayer cards found in the pews in the sanctuary.

An e-mail is sent out at the beginning of each week with prayer concerns lifted in worship.

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is an important outgrowth of the Prayer Team. The Hudson UMC prayer chain connects us to one another through prayer and support.

The prayer process begins with a call to a designated person who contacts others on the chain. The prayer chain is typically activated in time of emergency or death.

In case of an emergency to activate the Prayer Chain, call the church office at 988-6040.

“But certainly God has heard me; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer.”  Psalm 66:19